St. Theresa Catholic Church 2800 Ramon Road, Palm Springs, CA 92264
St. Theresa Catholic Church (1968, William F. Cody) is considered one of architect Cody’s masterworks. Cody was an enthusiastic parishioner of the church and reportedly expended much time and creative effort on the commission. The church is in remarkably original condition and many of the interior elements designed by Cody remain intact.
On September 9, 2016 the PSPF board of directors voted unanimously to grant a historic preservation award of $5,000 to St. Theresa Catholic Church to help defray “the costs associated with the recently completed rehabilitation of the church’s exterior concrete and wood trim.” To read the PSPF grant letter click here.
On June 1, 2016 PSPF advisor Susan Secoy-Jensen met with a church representative and provided him with U.S. Department of the Interior Preservation Briefs 6 and 15 (“Dangers of Abrasive Cleaning” and “Preservation of Historic Concrete”).
On May 17, 2016 PSPF sent a letter to St. Theresa Catholic Church expressing the foundation’s concern about the apparent plan to paint the sanctuary. In the PSPF letter, the disadvantages of painting integrally tinted historic concrete were explained and an offer was made to have a preservation architect consult with the church at PSPF’s expense. To read the PSPF letter click here.
On May 15, 2016 a PSPF member contacted the foundation to express concern that the St. Theresa Catholic Church might be considering painting the main sanctuary. The member’s concern was prompted by a series of paint samples appearing on the side of the building.